Pick out a bucket that will hold the plants, and wrap it entirely in black duct tape. If you can find white 5gal buckets and got a different color, line the inside of the bucket with tin foil so the inside light will be reflected and not absorbed by the bucket walls. White buckets reflect the light just fine without the lining, but you can line white buckets if you really want to. For the remaining buckets, cut the lids off, leaving about 2'-3' of plastic to it doesn't slip off somehow. I left 4'-5' because I was lazy and this is only crucial if the extra plastic will hit a fan or whatever else you have installed in the sides of the bucket. You can always cut more off, too. I added a watering apparatus to the side of my bucket, but this is completely optional... I'm just a dork. It consists of numerous PVC parts and feed water into the bucket through a plastic tube with holes in it. Decently effective, more for show than anything. I also mounted my humidity sensor in the side of the bucket, display facing out and the back entirely covered save for the actual sensor that needs access to air. I don't worry about accidentally watering it and I don't have to open my bucket for a reading.